GWILS Annual Awards 2018


Battle of the Professionals' Quiz Night

21 November 2019

Loads of fun, concentration and determination to win was the order of the evening. Brilliant quizzling and a fabulous curry meal from Sinbad Takeaway. What was not to like!

The charity raffle raised £200 for The Nelson Trust in Swindon.

The Brains of GWILS winning team "Aww Crap" with the coveted trophy.

Le Mans Challenge #3

9 October 2019

A great time was had at the exciting and adrenaline-fuelled Karting Challenge. The racing was fast and furious with the team winners getting trophies. Pie and chips followed at the Neeld Arms in Grittleton. All in all a terrific networking mix of professional groups and fun.

GWILS Annual Awards 2018


GWILS Annual Awards 2018